Who we are

Our Core


Our vision, mission, and core values aren't just marketing jargon, but instead clarify our direction and guide our decision making. Our clients, candidates, vendor-partners, and team members should expect nothing less.


Profitably delivering valuable solutions to our clients, enriching the lives of our team, and contributing to the success of our communities.


Provide solutions that give business leaders an unfair competitive advantage.


  • Integrity
  • Easy to do business with
  • Win-Win (1+1=3)
  • Accountability
  • Continuous improvement
Mike Voories
Founder & CEO

Mike Voories

I've learned over the last 25+ years that there is no greater competitive advantage above being able to build the best team, and continuously stretch their combined potential.

It's in this light that BR1 was founded, to help business leaders recruit and retain the right people, and enhance their team's performance.

Whether you are a client, candidate, or vendor-partner, I welcome the opportunity to provide a positive BR1 experience, and form a mutually beneficial relationship!



We're aligned


Our team Your resource

Fortunately for us, our clients, and candidates, we're blessed with a diverse team of passionate, dedicated, and incredibly talented individuals who are fun and easy to work with.

Contact Us

Enough about us! We'd love to learn about you, and discuss how we might be able to help.